It was a glorious day outside when I was enjoying watching my two sons playing with our puppy, Prince Caspian. It was one of those times where I stopped as a mummy and remembered how privileged and blessed I am to be the mother of these two young men.

It's so important to notice our children, to enjoy them at each stage, even if difficult. To try and purposefully observe the moments that we share with our children. These are the moments that make up our blessed lives. I fear my babies will be the same as yours, older, wiser mother - grown up and gone in the blink of an eye.
But for now, I will remember that nearly twelve year old heart, his sweet nature, the way he still loves to hug his mum, his young man's body changing and growing stronger by the minute. I'll remember my little four year old still chunky and squidgy, with that melt-my-heart smile, that contagious giggle and that way he shows kindness and love with ease.
These are my boys ...
... and I love them to bits and pieces.
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